War Office@Expounder
Garrison Artillery Drill, parts 1 and 2 (1899)
Gun Drill for the 12-pdr QF 12-cwt gun, land servcice (1925)
Handbook for 2.5-inch R.M.L. steel, jointed, gun mule and camel equipment (1888)
Handbook for 2.5-inch R.M.L. Steel jointed gun, mule and camel equipment (1888)
Handbook for 40-pr R.B.L. guns on 6 ft parapet carriage, land service (1885)
Handbook for 4-inch R.M.L. jointed howitzer, mark I, mule equipment, land service (1890)
Handbook for 9-pr R.M.L. guns of 6 cwt and 8-cwt, land service (1889)
Handbook for 9-pr R.M.L. guns of 6 cwt. and 8 cwt., movable armament (1898)
Handbook for 9-pr R.M.L guns of 6 cwt and 8 cwt, moveable armament (1901)
Handbook for the 10-inch R.M.L. gun and mountings (1899)
Handbook for the 10-inch R.M.L. gun of 18 tons (1903)
Handbook for the 12.5-inch 38-ton R.M.L. gun, marks I and II, casemate, dwarf, and small part mountings, land service (1888)
Handbook for the 12-inch R.M.L. gun of 35-tons (mark I) mounted on sliding carriage and platform, land service (1884)
Handbook for the 13-pr R.M.L gun of 8 cwt, land service (1884)
Handbook for the 13-pr R.M.L Gun of 8 cwt, land service (1884)
Handbook for the 16-pr R.M.L. gun of 12 cwt (1900)
Handbook for the 16-pr R.M.L. gun of 12 cwt, movable armament and batteries of position, volunteer artillery (1900)
Handbook for the 20-pr R.B.L. of 16 cwt on garrison sliding carriage and on travelling carriage (1886)
Handbook for the 40-pr R.B.L. guns of 32 and 35 cwt on travelling siege carriage and 6 ft parapet carriage (1899)
Handbook for the 40-pr R.M.L. gun of 35 cwt (1889)
Handbook for the 40-pr R.M.L. gun of 35 cwt (1897)
Handbook for the 64-pr R.M.L. gun of 64 cwt, marks I-III, land service (1888)
Handbook for the 6.6-inch R.M.L. howitzer on bed and ground platform or on siege travelling carriage (1886)
Handbook for the 7-inch R.B.L. Guns of 72 and 82 cwt on Moncreiff and sliding carriages (1885)
Handbook for the 7-inch R.M.L. guns of 6.5 and 7 tons on sliding and Moncrieff carriage, land service (1888)
Handbook for the 7-pr. R.M.L. steel gun of 200 lb on colonial carriage (1882)
Handbook for the 80-pr R.M.L. converted gun of 5 tons on sliding carriage, land service (1883)
Handbook for the 8-inch R.M.L. howitzer of 46 cwt mark II for movable armament or armament of works (1900)
Handbook for the 8-inch R.M.L. howitzer of 46 cwt mark I on bed and siege platform or on siege travelling carriage, land service (1890)
Handbook for the 8-inch R.M.L. howitzer of 70 cwt for movable armament and armament of works (1895)
Handbook for the 8-inch R.M.L. howitzer of 70 cwt marks I and II on siege travelling carriage, land service (1886)
Handbook for the 9-inch R.M.L. gun of 12 tons marks I to Vic (1894)
Handbook for the 9-pr R.M.L. guns of 6 cwt and 8 cwt land service (1889)
Handbook for the R.M.L. 12.5-inch 38-ton gun, marks I and II : casemate, dwarf, and small port mountings, land service (1885)
Handbook of 9-pr R.M.L. guns (1898)
Handbook of 9-pr R.M.L. guns (1901)
Handbook of the 3-pr Nordenfelt Q.F. gun, land service (1891)
Handbook of the M.L. 6-inch trench mortars, marks I, II and III, land service (1920)
Handbook of the M.L. Stokes 3-inch trench mortar equipments (1919)
Manual of Artillery Exercises (1873)
Manual of Siege and Garrison Artillery Exercises (1879)
Mortar Drill for the 6-inch Medium Mortar Mks 1,2,3 (1923)
Notes on Ammunition (1877)
Textbook of Gunnery, parts 1 and 2 (1902)
Treatise on Ammunition (1874)
Treatise on the Manufacture of Guns and Textbook of Service Ordnance (1886)